Want to transfer your local Enshrouded game world save to a server? This can easily be done with the following steps:

Preparing the Server

  1. Login to the BerryByte game control panel
  2. Stop the server via the control panel.
  1. Go to Files and select the savegame folder.
  2. Create a new directory called “old” and drag all the files to it.
  3. This will create a backup of the world, just to be safe. Configure full server backups here.

Locating the Enshrouded world files

  1. To explore the Enshrouded world files, locate the installation directory of steam. This often located under *C:\Steam*
  2. Navigate to the following directory: \Steam\userdata”steamid”\1203620\remote
  3. Locate the file with a string of 8 characters. This is often called 3ad85aea NOTE: If the game file has a different name please rename it to 3ad85aea before uploading.

Copying the file

  1. This can either be done via the upload button in game control panel or simply drag and drop the file

Voila. Your new file is added. Happy Playing

Need help updating your Enshrouded server? Shoot us a message on our community Discord server or contact support.